The Fine Line: Customer Service or Customer Support

Finding the right software solution for your eCommerce business can be a daunting endeavor. Every business has its unique challenges and requirements, and finding a platform that meets expectations is challenging enough in itself. At the top of the list, and a common denominator for every search is always access to support. Its not only about the amount of support, but the quality of support from your software of choice that are key factors in making your decision and final commitment. When shopping for a new IMS / OMS software, don’t be afraid to ask questions. What can I expect for support on this quoted plan? Are there additional fee’s for support or onboarding? Is it same day support, or most importantly… Is it outsourced?

Recognizing this, SKULabs‘ in-house support has meticulously crafted its approach to prioritize customized customer service over traditional customer support. Rather than offering a generic solution, SKULabs delves deep into the intricacies of each account and it’s individual settings to not only get the right answer, but the right answer for you.

This granular attention ensures that users aren’t just given standard answers, but receive guidance tailored to their particular setup. The result? Solutions that truly resonate with the distinct needs of every client. By honing in on the specifics of each account, SKULabs guarantees more precise, efficient, and effective assistance, elevating your overall user experience. Dive into the SKULabs support module and witness a nuanced approach to customer interaction that truly understands your business. Along side of this unique approach, we have partnered with some of the best B2B support interfaces available today. Don’t just settle for email based support most platforms offer, when SKULabs offers some of the most advanced and highly rated support tools in the industry!

Unlike most of our competitors, we do not charge any extra fee’s for our support or onboarding, and all customers have access to live chat support, email support, phone support and emergency line support, no matter what plan you sign up for!

Top Rated Support Interface

Integrating powerful messaging and automation for self serve and live chat provides a SKULabs direct channel of engagement for customers across support, onboarding, and consultation. SKULabs works with great passion to provide knowledge, tools, experience, and a winning solution for warehouse management processes.

Intercom, an integral partner in our support services, recently announced their biggest ever launch with more than 20 new features built to ensure providing prompt & personal support. Ranging from artificial intelligence organizational tools, to new and robust ticketing systems to facilitate an efficient and easy to use support module. Partnering with solutions that are constantly implementing the latest technology and striving to stay ahead of the curve gives SKULabs the competitive advantage over the other contenders, and the reason why our support is highly praised on big platforms such as Shopify!

Improved Support Experience

When SKULabs clients engage with our support specialists via our messenger-based chat platform, they are privy to tailored responses that align with their company’s unique organizational and warehousing workflows, ensuring a response that is both relevant and in tune with the current operations. This method is a marked improvement over conventional email-based ticketing mechanisms. Rather than attempting to summarize an entire process challenge into a single email and await a response, customers find it much easier to express the issue and converse to bring out the true nature of the inquiry. Our platform allows the seamless exchange of data such as screenshots, technical documentation, imagery, videos, CSV data sets, and even direct access to synchronous screen-sharing sessions via Google Meets. This often results in a better experience, faster results, and a more on-point solution.

Improved Onboarding Process

At the heart of our live chat support is not just any ordinary chat function, but a robust framework manned by a dedicated team of warehouse management professionals and industry experts. Their primary role extends beyond merely resolving queries; they’re committed to ensuring a seamless onboarding experience for every client. We understand the stress and anxieties of small business start-ups, to top of the industry companies looking to change IMS platforms. There will always be a fear of a learning curve, and many times a hard deadline for implementation. No worries, we got your back! We are one of the few companies that do not charge any onboarding fee’s, yet are here to help you at every step of the way!

Interestingly, the concept of “onboarding” as we define it, is not a one-time process. As most of our esteemed customers would attest, the dynamics of warehouse management and fulfillment are constantly evolving. New challenges emerge, fresh solutions are designed, and innovative capabilities are rolled out with the overarching objective of streamlining and enhancing operations. In such a fast-paced environment, the need for ongoing adaptation and learning is paramount. And that’s where our live chat support truly shines.

Whether it’s guiding clients through basic initialization procedures or assisting them in implementing intricate multi-warehouse systems using our advanced shipping rules, our support platform is engineered for clarity, precision, and efficiency. Our team is trained to not just provide answers, but to engage in meaningful dialogues that encourages clients to ask questions, read articles, and equip themselves with the knowledge and tools needed for the long haul. It is not only about offering solutions, but in empowering our customers to harness the full potential of the software, while ensuring they are always at the forefront of industry best practices.

From Repetition to Relevance

One of the paramount aspects of effective customer support is recognizing and mitigating redundancies. This is especially the case with repetitive questions and common topics. At SKULabs, we’ve not only acknowledged this issue but have instituted measures to address it proactively. With Intercoms smart features, we can generate support articles on our FAQ’s, or utilize their built in A.I. features to corroborate and itemize long and drawn out tickets to get a timeline of included important events.

Another unique selling point of our support system is its collaborative nature. Rather than operating in silos, our SKULabs support team adopts a unified approach when addressing customer challenges. This collective approach ensures that when a query or issue is presented, it isn’t isolated; instead, it’s meticulously investigated and addressed by a cohesive unit and in some cases, reviewed by a specialist on the team so that we can ensure you the best possible answers and solutions for your inquiries.

As our esteemed customer, this translates to a significant saving in time and effort for you. No longer do you need to reiterate and explain your issue every time you communicate with a different team member. The essence of your conversation, the challenges highlighted, and the solutions discussed are meticulously documented. This evolving record then serves as a vital tool in ensuring continuity in the support provided.

Every interaction you have through chat becomes part of a growing narrative about your specific needs and the challenges you’re encountering. When any SKULabs support member engages with you, they do so with a holistic understanding of your previous interactions, ensuring that the support provided is not only timely but also contextually relevant. This system optimizes the support experience, ensuring that solutions are not just accurate, but also personalized and on-point. Often you might be asked by our team to start a new ticket when an unrelated inquiry comes up on your original one to ensure each topic is treated with equal relevance.

Organization is Key!

Rapid Assistance through Our Extensive Support Library

Upon entering a query into our live chat, the system immediately suggests curated help articles for prompt resolution to numerous queries. Our sophisticated messaging algorithm scans our extensive library of support articles to offer relevant information, potentially addressing your concerns even before connecting with our live support team. For frequently posed questions, our support documentation often delivers answers in mere seconds.

Simple & Effective Support Management

No more long typed explanations trying to get every word into an email support ticket. By conversing with our support team we can ask the right questions to get to the heart of the issue, and come to a relevant solution.

We feel support services provided to our customers are crucial to their business successes, and that communication is what elevates us beyond our competitors. Careful attention into the details, feedback, and solutions provided, come from our expert product team who specialize in warehouse management, order fulfillment, and inventory management challenges.

Connect with SKULabs Today

Now is the perfect time to discuss how we can help you migrate from your outdated inventory management platform with lackluster customer support!

Chat with one of our experts today.Schedule a meeting or give us a call at 1800-243-2986 to learn more.