Hassle Free Pricing: Say Goodbye to Contracts

Committing to long term contracts is outdated and should be left in the past. Navigating the winding roads of inventory management and order fulfillment software can already be daunting, especially when hidden costs and pricing gymnastics are part of the equation. How many times have you found a promising solution only to be blindsided by contracts or mysterious fees tucked away in the fine print?

Or maybe you’ve endured lengthy sales pitches without ever hearing the “one number” you’re genuinely interested in…”The price”. Encountering hidden fees, and being forced to sign long term contracts can be frustrating when searching for the right inventory management software. You deserve options and above all an exit strategy if you find something does not work for you. Red flags should be thrown any time you find a software company requiring long term contracts. This is a clear indication that they are having trouble keeping their customers happy.

At SKULabs, we understand this frustration. That’s why we’ve rolled out new pricing plans and packages on our website, where you can see and choose a plan that best fits your needs. Free from long term commitments. We are firm believers in month-to-month contracts, giving our customers peace of mind as well as confidence in knowing we have to earn their business every month. After all, isn’t it liberating to know upfront how much you’ll be investing, free of smoke and mirrors?

Let’s dive into transparent pricing in inventory management and order fulfillment software and how SKULabs is setting an example with simple, clear pricing free if any long term contracts and a 30 day money back guarantee!

Never Get Locked into Lengthy Long Term Contracts

Why do most consumers prefer month to month contracts vs yearly commitments? Lets take a look at the top 5 reasons:

  1. Flexibility: Month-to-month subscriptions offer consumers the flexibility to cancel or change their subscription without a long-term commitment. This flexibility is particularly appealing in uncertain economic times or when personal circumstances change.
  2. Lower Initial Cost: Yearly contracts often require a larger upfront payment compared to monthly subscriptions. For consumers on a budget, spreading out payments on a monthly basis can be more manageable and less financially burdensome.
  3. Ability to Test Services: Monthly subscriptions allow consumers to test the service or product with a lower financial risk before committing to a longer-term contract. This trial period helps consumers assess whether the subscription meets their needs and expectations.
  4. Avoidance of Lock-in: Yearly contracts typically lock consumers into a commitment for an extended period. Some consumers prefer to avoid this long-term commitment and prefer the option to opt-out or switch to a different software if they find a better alternative.
  5. Control: Month-to-month subscriptions give consumers an amount of control over their spending and subscriptions. They can easily adjust their subscription status based on their current usage or satisfaction with the service without feeling trapped in a contract.

Overall, these factors contribute to the popularity of month-to-month subscriptions as they cater to consumer preferences for flexibility, financial control, and reduced commitment risk.

The Problem with Non-Transparent Pricing

You’re probably familiar with the hurdles and frustration of hidden fees and non-transparent pricing. Imagine finding an eCommerce solution that seems perfect for your needs, only to realize later that the advertised price doesn’t cover all the onboarding costs or even worse, you have already paid for a year of service.

There might be setup fees, service charges, or even additional costs for vital features that aren’t included in the base price. It’s like a betrayal, isn’t it? This lack of transparency can leave you feeling misled and unsatisfied.

Another common issue is the high-pressure sales pitches that commonly occur on your first phone call. The anticipation of waiting to know what the service will cost you can be agonizing. The time-consuming process can frustrate you, as it’s better to know whether a service fits your budget before delving deeper into sales negotiations. SKULabs understands the importance of your time and will reserve your first phone call to answer questions to ensure all of your needs can be met without the stress of high-pressure sales.

A murky pricing model can pose serious challenges, especially if you’re running a startup. At the beginning of your business journey, you’re usually working within a tight budget.

Not knowing the full price upfront can make your budget planning daunting. As a result, you might encounter problems like financial overcommitments or the underutilization of valuable tools and services due to the fear of hidden costs. Moreover, the time and energy spent on unraveling complex pricing structures and negotiating with sales teams could be better spent on pivotal activities like product development or customer acquisition. 

Our Solution: Transparent and Customizable Pricing

At SKULabs, we understand the headaches that unclear pricing models can cause, and that’s why we’ve taken a different approach. We’ve rolled out new, transparent pricing plans that put you in the driver’s seat.

Our plans are easy to understand and customizable to fit your unique needs. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, you can choose a base plan and tweak it to suit your business requirements. This transparency in pricing brings various benefits for both you and us.

For you, it means no unpleasant surprises or hidden costs. You know exactly what you’re getting and how much it will cost, removing the guesswork and allowing you to make informed decisions.

For us, it builds trust and long-term relationships with our customers. While others may make you jump through hoops to get a price, we believe in making it easy to understand exactly what you’ll be paying. Our new pricing plans are our commitment to providing a fair, straightforward, and customer-centric experience.

Overview of Our Pricing Plans

At SKULabs, we have various pricing packages targeting businesses of all sizes. We have a plan that suits you if you’re just starting and trying to build your business. We all have packages for large enterprises that are established on online marketplaces.

Here is an overview of our plans and pricing to help you find one that suits your business needs:

The Starter Package

This basic package is designed to make inventory management more affordable for small businesses trying to grow their operations. It costs $299 per month and gives you access to everything you need to start shipping and tracking your inventory.

The basic package supports up to 1,000 orders and charges $0.20 for each additional order. It also supports two users and two stores, charging $75 for each added user and $25 for every added store.  You’ll enjoy real-time sync for multi-channel inventory management, access to purchase orders, shipping carriers, barcode scanning, and 10,000 SKUs.

The Premium Package

This is our most popular plan, going for $999 per month. The higher price means access to more features and sales channels, creating a better opportunity to grow your business. For instance, the cap for orders is 10,000, and the plan supports five users and five stores.

The Pro package gives you access to all the features in the basic plan and more. For instance, the plan allows for batch picking and gives you detailed insights to help you improve your inventory management. You will also get inventory age and forecasts to maintain optimal stock levels, reducing overstocking and stockouts.

The Enterprise Package

The Enterprise Plan is our premium offering going at $1,999 per month. It’s designed for businesses that need a more customized solution and larger businesses that need high-volume handling. The Enterprise Plan includes all the features of the Pro Plan but is designed to handle even more orders, up to 50,000.

One of the notable features of the Enterprise pricing plan is the optimized sync, ensuring your inventory, sales, and order data across multiple sales channels and warehouses are always up-to-date. You’ll also get dedicated support from the SKULabs team.

The Enterprise Plan also allows flash sale sync to help you handle sudden spikes in demand effectively during flash sales or promotional periods. Other features include custom reports and access to beta features, allowing you to try out and benefit from the latest innovations from SKULabs before they are released to all users.

Discover the Freedom of Transparent Pricing with SKULabs

In a world where long term contracts, hidden fees, and non-transparent pricing run rampant, SKULabs stands out as a breath of fresh air. Our new transparent pricing plans put you in control, empowering you to make informed decisions without any surprises. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, we have a plan tailored to your needs. With a clear pricing plan, you can choose a plan that streamlines your inventory management and order fulfillment without straining your budget. Get started with SKULabs today to say goodbye to pricing gymnastics and embrace a new era of simplicity and trust.

Or give us a call at 1800-243-2986 to speak with an onboarding specialist today!

Light Manufacturing Made Easy: Maximizing Efficiency with SKULabs

In the world of eCommerce, flexibility and efficiency in managing inventory and production processes are crucial. For businesses engaged in light manufacturing, finding an efficient solution that integrates just-in-time kitting and phase based inventory manufacturing can be a game changer. SKULabs offers an innovative approach to light manufacturing through its robust kitting functionality and support for virtual/disconnected warehouses. This guide explores how you can leverage these features to optimize your manufacturing process.

Workers assembling products to be sold on eCommerce

The Power of Kitting in SKULabs

Kitting involves combining multiple items or components into a single product for sale. It’s a common practice in industries like electronics, auto parts, T-shirt manufacturing and appliances, where bundled products are not only popular, but necessary to represent a finished good. SKULabs’ kitting function allows you to create kits that represent all the individual component items that make up a single product, enabling you to manage inventory more efficiently while maintaining accurate stock counts both at the kit level as well as the component items.

Creating Kits in SKULabs

With SKULabs, you can easily create kits by defining a kit as a collection of specific inventory items. This approach allows you to:

  • Simplify Inventory Management: By creating kits, you can track bundled products as a single unit, reducing complexity in inventory tracking. Each kit will have its own SKU and barcode for representation. Inventory levels will be based on the amount of component items on hand that make up a single kit.
  • Ensure Accurate Stock Levels: SKULabs automatically adjusts stock levels for individual components when a kit is sold, ensuring accurate inventory counts and eliminating the logistics of keeping up with the component items. Kits are calculated automatically in the background and advertised as a whole on your sales channel.
  • Facilitate Order Fulfillment: Kits can be seamlessly integrated into your order processing workflow, streamlining fulfillment and reducing errors. This allows you to fulfill a group of items with a single scan of a barcode.

To create a kit, you simply name the Kit, assign a SKU and fill it with component items. SKULabs takes care of the rest, ensuring that each kit is accurately represented in your inventory system.

Virtual/Disconnected Warehouses: A New Approach to Manufacturing

One of the unique features of SKULabs is its support for virtual/disconnected warehouses. This feature allows you to represent different stages of the manufacturing process as separate warehouses, providing greater flexibility and control. Here’s how it works:

Virtual Warehouses?

A virtual warehouse can be used as a digital representation of the different stages of production in an inventory management system. These stages may include intake and housing of raw materials, assembly of products, items sent for quality control, and ultimately advertised inventory to your sales channels. The primary advantage of using virtual warehouses is the ability to track inventory levels and the flow of goods across different stages without the need for spreadsheets or other costly softwares. With the proper setup, virtual warehouses can streamline operations, improve visibility, and boost overall efficiency.

Virtual warehouses in stages 1-3 to represent manufacturing process

Setting Up Disconnected Warehouses

In SKULabs, disconnected warehouses are separate inventory locations not directly tied to a specific eCommerce sales channel. This feature is ideal for representing manufacturing stages, enabling you to track the progress of your products as they move through the production process and know what is on hand. By setting up disconnected warehouses, you can:

  • Define Manufacturing Stages: Create different warehouses to represent stages like “Intake”, “Assembly,” “Quality Control,” or “Packaging.”
  • Track Inventory Movement: Easily move inventory between warehouses to reflect the manufacturing process. This is a simple internal warehouse transfer which gives you granular control on how much stock is moved, and which phase of the process it should represent next.
  • Ensure Product Readiness: Once a product is complete, you can transfer it to your connected warehouse, making it available for sale on your e-commerce platforms.

Integrating Disconnected Warehouses with Kits

The combination of kitting and disconnected warehouses allows you to represent the entire manufacturing process within SKULabs. Here’s a simplified workflow:

  1. Define Kits: Create kits in SKULabs that represent the finished product, specifying all the components needed for assembly.
  2. Set Up Disconnected Warehouses: Create warehouses for each stage of the manufacturing process.
  3. Move Inventory Through Stages: As components are progressing into assembled kits, transfer them from one disconnected warehouse to the next to reflect the manufacturing progress or stages.
  4. Complete the Product: Once the kit is fully assembled and ready for sale, transfer the components to your connected warehouse, making it available for order fulfillment.
  5. Fulfill Orders: With the product in your connected warehouse, you can seamlessly fulfill customer orders and manage inventory levels across your eCommerce sales channels. This method also lets you sell and keep track of your component items individually!

Running Low on component items?

Now that we have simplified the logistics for maintaining accurate inventory levels for your products that are made up of various component items, how do you keep an eye out for that one component item that will keep you from completing these assembled goods? Take advantage of SKULabs’ built in inventory alert system. Right on your SKULabs dashboard, you will maintain visibility of all of the items that have hit or fallen below your assigned threshold of on-hand counts. Not always in front of your app or device? No problem, we can automate these stock alerts to be sent to your desired email address to keep you in-the-know while on-the-go!

Keep it Simple

SKULabs offers a comprehensive solution for light manufacturing by combining kitting functionality with the flexibility of virtual/disconnected warehouses. By utilizing these features, you can efficiently manage the production process, track inventory accurately, and ensure a smooth transition from manufacturing to order fulfillment. Whether you’re a small business or a larger eCommerce operation, SKULabs provides the tools to streamline your light manufacturing process and keep your customers satisfied!

Connect with SKULabs Today

Now is the perfect time to discuss how we can help you get prepared for taking your business to the next level!

Chat with one of our experts today. Schedule a meeting or give us a call at 1800-243-2986 to learn more.

Small Business to Enterprise: A look at SKULabs and Veeqo

Finding too many options to manage your eCommerce business’ orders and inventory? Yes, It can be quite challenging when it comes to choosing the right software solution for your online marketplace. Businesses are constantly on the lookout for software solutions that streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. Arm yourself with knowing the right questions to ask when interviewing potential solutions. As mentioned in the previous blog, recently acquired software companies can be, but not always, a bit of a red flag. Due diligence is paramount when researching these candidates. Mark the timeline when they were acquired, and then check the user feedback from that date forward to see if you feel it is headed in the right direction or not.

Two standout platforms that have carved a niche in the realm of inventory and order management are SKULabs and Veeqo. Both tools offer features designed to aid businesses in managing their inventory, processing orders, and fulfilling customer demands effectively. This blog delves into a comparison of SKULabs and Veeqo, to illuminate their functionalities, strengths, and how they cater to different business needs.

SKULabs: An Overview
SKULabs is a comprehensive all-in-one inventory, order, and shipping management solution tailored for multi-channel retailers. Its capabilities are designed to help businesses streamline their operations by offering features such as barcode scanning for picking, order verification, batch shipping, and real-time inventory tracking across all sales channels. SKULabs positions itself as a premium solution for small to enterprise sized businesses that require detailed control over their inventory and fulfillment processes. It’s biggest strength is the capability to work with an extremely wide range of various pick pack and ship workflows without limiting you into their own pre-defined process as you will find with many other softwares. Additionally, SKULabs boasts the claim to connecting the most sales channels and shipping providers than any other eCommerce software.

SKULabs Supported Sales Channels

SKULabs Supported Carriers

Key Features:

  • Multi-channel inventory and order management
  • Real-Time Inventory Control & Sync
  • Dedicated Batch Shipping Interface
  • Barcode-based order verification
  • Detailed reporting and analytics
  • Cycle Counts
  • US based support

Veeqo: An Overview
Veeqo, on the other hand, is priced well enough (free) to give it a try to see if their pick, pack and ship methods align with yours. Scanning to pick items will require Veeqo’s dedicated scanner at $495.00 for this functionality. Additionally, In order to get the inventory tracking features, you will need to ship at least 50% of your packages from within Veeqo monthly, or lose the functionality. So, some caveats to overcome, but if you fall in that category it could be a good fit. It stands out for its user-friendly interface and the ability to manage orders from multiple channels in one platform. Both platforms offer Amazon Buy shipping and offer discounted shipping rates.

Veeqo Supported Sales Channels

Veeqo Supported Carriers

Key Features:

  • No monthly cost (as long as you are shipping 50% of your orders through them)
  • Shipping Discounts
  • Order management from multiple channels
  • Direct integrations with major shipping carriers
  • Inventory management can be added on to plan
  • Warehouse management features
  • UK based support

Pricing and Affordability:

SKULabs’ pricing starts at a higher threshold ($299), making it an up front investment for businesses. However, this reflects its extensive feature set and value it offers to larger companies that manage vast inventories and high order volumes with the need for more granular control of their operations.
Veeqo offers a lower starting price point, making it accessible for smaller businesses and scalable as they grow​​​​. You are giving up your shipping volume however which may make it difficult to get negotiated rates down the road.

Ideal Customer:

SKULabs is ideally suited for a broader market from small to enterprise sized businesses that require detailed operational control and efficiency in managing extensive inventories across multiple channels.

Veeqo serves a slightly smaller audience, including start-up businesses looking for growth to mid size operations while seeking to consolidate their order and inventory management processes.

User Experience and Support:

Both platforms provide robust support and training resources, ensuring businesses can maximize the utility of their features. SKULabs is particularly praised for its customer support and comprehensive training materials, making it easier for larger teams to adopt and utilize the platform effectively​​.
Both are designed to be easy to set up and integrate with existing sales channels, which is a plus for businesses at any scale.

Choosing between SKULabs and Veeqo hinges on a business’s specific needs, size, and growth trajectory. As the eCommerce landscape continues to evolve, the choice of inventory and order management software will play a pivotal role in a business’s ability to compete and thrive. Both SKULabs and Veeqo offer robust platforms that can adapt to the changing needs of modern retailers, making them worthy contenders for any business looking to optimize its operations.

Connect with SKULabs Today

Now is the perfect time to discuss how we can help you get prepared for taking your business to the next level!

Chat with one of our experts today. Schedule a meeting or give us a call at 1800-243-2986 to learn more.

The Top 5 Warehouse Logistics Challenges and How to Eliminate them

Capitalizing on the most effective warehouse logistics and running a successful eCommerce warehouse operation can be a challenging endeavor, especially when faced with common problems that can hinder efficiency, safety, and profitability. However, with the right strategies and solutions, these issues can be addressed effectively. Here are the top five most common warehouse problems and how to eliminate them:

1. Inefficient Space Utilization

Problem: Many warehouses struggle with maximizing their space. Poor layout and organization can lead to cluttered aisles, misplaced items, and underused areas, all of which reduce the overall efficiency of operations.

Solution: Implement a strategic warehouse layout that maximizes the use of vertical and horizontal space. Consider using taller storage units and the right shelving systems to accommodate more items. Additionally, optimize picking locations using location naming conventions. Regularly review and adjust the layout to adapt to inventory changes. Employing warehouse management systems (WMS) such as SKULabs, can also help track and optimize space usage.

2. Inventory Inaccuracy

Problem: Mismanaged inventory can lead to several issues, such as stockouts, overstocking, and financial discrepancies. Manual processes and human errors often contribute to this problem, affecting customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Solution: Adopt automated systems like barcode scanners for accurate, real-time inventory tracking. Regular audits and cycle counts can also help maintain accuracy. A robust WMS can streamline inventory management and vastly improve your warehouse logistics, providing precise data for better decision-making. Solutions such as SKULabs can help reduce or even eliminate picking and packing errors saving you valuable time and money spent on customer service and the wrong items being shipped to customers.

3. Picking and Packing Inefficiencies

Problem: Inefficient picking and packing processes can lead to slow order fulfillment, increased errors, and higher labor costs. This often stems from poor layout, inadequate staffing, or ineffective methods.

Solution: Optimize the warehouse layout with strategically placed items to minimize travel time. Utilize the ABC grouping methods to help optimize product placement in the warehouse closest to your packing stations. Additionally, with intelligent inventory management software such as SKULabs, you can implement zone picking, batch picking, or wave picking techniques suited to your operation’s size and nature. SKULabs lets you check each item to know whether it is an A, B, or a C categorized item. Regularly run this report to consistently optimize item placement in the warehouse. If budget allows, consider automation tools like conveyor belts, robots, or automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to speed up the process. Training staff regularly and employing ergonomic practices can also improve efficiency and accuracy.

4. Safety Hazards

Problem: Warehouses can be dangerous places with risks of accidents and injuries stemming from falls, equipment, or heavy lifting. Safety hazards can lead to employee downtime, legal issues, and costly compensation.

Solution: Conduct regular safety audits and training sessions to ensure all employees are aware of best practices and emergency procedures. Keep aisles clear, mark hazardous zones clearly, and maintain equipment regularly. Investing in safety equipment like proper lifting gear, non-slip mats, and guardrails can significantly reduce accidents and improve performance.

5. Labor Shortages and Turnover

Problem: Finding and retaining skilled warehouse staff is a challenge many facilities face. High turnover rates can lead to operational disruptions, increased training costs, and a decrease in overall productivity.

Solution: Offer competitive wages and benefits to attract and retain employees. Create a positive work environment with opportunities for growth and development. Regularly training and upskilling employees can improve job satisfaction and efficiency. Additionally, consider automation to reduce the strain on staff and cover for labor shortages. Solutions such as SKULabs helps keep your orders and inventory on track. Cycle counting in SKULabs takes the burden of the infamous yearly / monthly inventory away from the employees. It involves auditing a small subset of inventory items in the warehouse at specific intervals, maintaining accurate inventory levels. Rather than halting operations to count all items, companies adopt regular cycle counts. This approach promotes consistent accuracy while allowing day-to-day operations to proceed unhindered.

Implementing Solutions

Eliminating these common problems requires a proactive approach and continuous improvement. Here are general steps to implement these solutions effectively:

  • Assess and Plan: Regularly evaluate your warehouse operations to identify areas for improvement. Develop a clear plan with specific, measurable goals.
  • Invest in Technology: Leveraging modern technology like WMS, automated tools, and data analytics can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy. Whether you are using a single or multi-warehouse operations, SKULabs can help ease the burden of automating most of your tasks.
  • Train and Engage Staff: Ensure your team is well-trained and engaged. Their insights and cooperation are crucial for successful implementation.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor performance against your goals. Be prepared to adjust your strategies as needed to address new challenges and opportunities.

Warehouse logistics are central to the success of many businesses. By understanding and addressing common problems like inefficient space utilization, inventory inaccuracy, picking and packing inefficiencies, safety hazards, and labor issues, you can significantly improve operations. Implementing the right solutions will not only enhance efficiency and safety but also contribute to better customer satisfaction and profitability. Remember, the key to overcoming these challenges lies in a strategic, integrated approach that involves technology, people, and continuous improvement.

Connect with SKULabs Today

Now is the perfect time to discuss how we can help you get prepared for taking your business to the next level!

Chat with one of our experts today. Schedule a meeting or give us a call at 1800-243-2986 to learn more.

Onboarding with SKULabs: Your First Steps to Intelligent Inventory Management

Welcome to the world of Intelligent and efficient inventory management with SKULabs! If you’re new to this powerful tool, you’re likely eager to dive in and start incorporating your order fulfillment and inventory tracking processes. This blog post will guide you through the initial steps of onboarding with SKULabs, ensuring a smooth and successful start to your journey. Once these simple steps are completed, reach out and schedule your first onboarding account review. If you have not spoken with anyone on the team before you have signed up, we recommend reaching out to have brief conversation so we can put a game plan together that would work best for you.


SKULabs is an all-in-one inventory management and order fulfillment solution designed for eCommerce businesses. We integrate with multiple marketplaces, shopping carts, POS systems and shipping carriers, providing a centralized platform to manage your inventory, orders, and shipments. Whether you’re a small startup or a growing enterprise, SKULabs can scale to meet your needs.

Have Questions or Need Assistance?

Remember at any time during your setup, if you have a question or need some guidance, you and your team always have quick access to your account manager through our in-app chat system! simply click your name at the top right, and click on contact us. This will open the chat dialog where you are free to reach out with any questions you might have. We are here to help you get set up at every step of the way!

Step 1: Setting Up Your Account

Sign Up and Choose Your Plan

First things first, sign up for an account on the SKULabs website. Choose a plan that fits your business size and needs. We offer various pricing tiers, so consider factors like the number of orders you process, the number of sales channels you are using, and the number of users you will need. These plans are designed to be flexible, so no need to jump to a higher package if you go over the order limit or want to add an additional store or user.

Our pricing page shows the amount given on each package and the cost for the add-ons such as additional channels, orders, users or warehouses. For example, a Starter plan that does 1100 orders per month will only be charged for the additional 100 orders ($20). This gives our users the flexibility to grow at their own pace without having to jump to higher packages once the limits have been reached.

Account Configuration:

Once signed up, and you are starting your initial onboarding with SKULabs, the in-app wizard will guide you through an initial setup process. This includes setting up your company profile, adding users, and configuring basic settings like time zone and currency. Click on Get Started and follow the in-app guide or you can use our help article to get the ball rolling and start onboarding with SKULabs!

Step 2: Integrating Sales Channels

Connect Your Stores

Integrating your eCommerce platforms with SKULabs is a crucial step. The wizard will take you step by step helping to connect your online stores (like Shopify, Amazon, eBay, BigCommerce). This integration allows SKULabs to sync your listings and orders to commence with the initial catalog creation within the app. If you are using multiple sales channels, we recommend connecting first the channel that houses most of your inventory, has the most complete information, and desired SKU #s that you would like to move forward with. You can still continue your day to day operations and fulfill your orders using your previous methods. You will notice SKULabs will move orders from the order processing tab to the shipped tab as your channel status changes to fulfilled or shipped.

At this stage, stock sync is not yet activated and you will be in a virtually read-only mode for your setup and testing purposes.

Stock sync will be the last step in onboarding with SKULabs before going “live” and at this stage we want to ensure all stock levels in SKULabs are what you want them to be.

Step 3: Creating your SKULabs Catalog

Import Your Inventory

You can import your inventory into SKULabs via direct sync from your connected stores (or via CSV if necessary). Make sure your inventory items on your sales channels include essential details like SKU, product names, quantities, and barcodes. Additionally, and depending on your sales channel, make sure these items are active, set to track inventory, and physical (not digital) items. Some channels require at least 1 in stock to consider them an active listing. Keep in mind this is just the initial import to get a snapshot of your catalog. It is often standard procedure to import again and start fresh if any catalog errors are revealed. Avoid creating any kits or doing a lot of manual edits to your catalog at this stage until you have had your first onboarding account review with SKULabs. During this initial onboarding, we will do a thorough review of your account and catalog and guide you through the next steps to simple and accurate inventory control.

Each store has its own settings to manage the initial import. These settings give you the option to import stock levels from the sales channel, as well as assign them to one of your warehouses. There are also additional settings if you do not have barcodes and would like SKULabs to automatically generate them upon catalog import. Under the catalog setup settings, the “Build new items and link listings” is the default to use if importing items from your channel.

Skulabs will sync item information including inventory levels from your sales channels only upon the initial import of a new listing during catalog creation. This is to help simplify the setup process by giving SKULabs an initial stock count from your sales channel and prevent multiple listings for the same item from overwriting the previous information. This stock sync from the sales channel is not concurrent, and only happens once, upon initial import of a new listing. Once you go live with SKULabs, will we become your master of inventory. We will push the stock levels from SKULabs and overwrite what is on your sales channel. All inventory transactions should be done inside of the app vs sales channel side once stock sync has been enabled on your account.

Out of the box, SKULabs pushes the Free stock levels over to your sales channel(s). Your Free counts are what you have On-Hand, minus any open orders holding reserves on those particular items. This setting works well for most accounts, but of course you can have much more granular control of how this works by utilizing our stock rules to tailor advertised stock to your individual needs. We would be happy to give recommendations upon our your initial onboarding with SKULabs.

Step 4: Shipping and Carrier Integration

Connect your Shipping Carriers

Integrate your supported shipping carriers (like USPS, UPS, FedEx) into SKULabs by following the in-app wizard. This allows you to compare rates, print shipping labels, and track shipments all from one place.

SKULabs offers discounts but you do not have to use the accounts provided. You are free to connect your own accounts if you already have negotiated rates.


SKULabs is an official USPS Connect ecommerce partner. We can meet or beat your existing USPS rates with significant CPP and cubic discounts as an industry standard. You can optionally bring your own rates if you already have a USPS contract, just contact us to get started.


SKULabs offers discount rates through the FedEx Advantage program in partnership with both EasyPost and Shippo or using Shippo’s shared account which offers it’s own discounts. It’s just as easy to connect your own FedEx account to keep your volume + existing rates without bothering with our available discount programs.


SKULabs offers discount rates using EasyPost’s or Shippo’s shared account. It’s just as easy to connect your own DHL account to keep your volume + existing rates without bothering with our available discount programs.

Can I use my own accounts?

Yes! It’s easiest to connect your own accounts into SKULabs and it’s what we prefer. Keep your volume! We’re not a shipping aggregator who requires you to offload your shipping volume to SKULabs to benefit from our software.

Step 5: Printer Setup

Connect your printer to your workstation with PrintNode

The next step in your onboarding journey is to set up your printer to one of your workstations. This will enable all devices connected to your SKULabs account access to the printers. SKULabs connects via PrintNode and there are two versions available. One for Windows, and one for Mac. Make sure your are downloading the PrintNode app directly from our Printing and Scales article as these versions of PrintNode are tailored for SKULabs only. If you have previously used PrintNode or any other printer connectivity applications, it is best to uninstall these first before installing the SKULabs version of PrintNode. Once installed, you will see the app running on the host computer in the task bar. You will see a little orange, white and green icon.

Double click the icon to open it and sign in using the Login credentials located in SKULabs app [Settings tab > Printing tab]. Find the user name and password here and use these to log into the PrintNode app.

Next make sure you see your printers listed, then configure your page width and height to your desired settings. Ensure the host computers internal print settings are a match to avoid discrepancies. Need help troubleshooting? Here is our guide on common printer setup questions.

Step 6: Familiarize Yourself with the Interface

Getting to know the Tabs

The SKULabs Orders tab gives you an overview of orders needing processing and what stage of processing they are currently in (Internal Order Status). Familiarize yourself with the interface and learn how to navigate through different sections like orders, items, listings and reports.

In the Inventory Tab, you will see three different tabs on the dashboard in regards to the products you sell, Basic, Advanced, and Listings.

Basic Tab: This tab is your item catalog inside of SKULabs, this represents all of the physical items you carry and various customizable information about each of these items. Refer to your columns tab and your filters tab to select the preferred information visible on this page. Additionally these columns can be drag and dropped to customize your views to your preference. This is the quick lightweight view of inventory which can be speedier than the Advanced depending on the size of your catalog.

Advanced Tab: This is an additional tab that displays your catalog as well, but has much more filtering, actions and reports located within. Most customers use this tab for their in-depth filtering and use the basic tab if they are just looking for something simple. These two tabs keep you from having to constantly adjust pre-set filters when looking for an item by giving you an additional tab for browsing.

Listings Tab: Not to confuse this tab with your items. This is a tab that represents the listings that SKULabs “sees” from across all of your sales channels. Multiple listings can be attached to a single inventory item within SKULabs.

New items will always be added to your sales channel first. Once new items have been added to the channel, simply run a listing sync from your dashboard. SKULabs will import the item, create the item in your catalog, automatically attach it to the listing on the sales channel, and will be ready to accept new orders!


You have now completed the initial steps in your onboarding with SKULabs. You have connected your sales channels, imported your catalog, set up your shipping carriers, connected your printers, watched the webinar, and browsed through the app to familiarize yourself on how to navigate!

Embarking on your SKULabs journey is an exciting step towards more efficient and effective inventory management. Remember, the key to success with any new tool is patience and flexibility. A lot of softwares will accomplish the same thing yet the methods might not be exactly similar. Don’t hesitate to reach out to SKULabs support for any questions or guidance. Here’s to the beginning of a more organized, streamlined, and successful business operation with SKULabs!

Connect with SKULabs Today

Now is the perfect time to discuss how we can help you get prepared for taking your business to the next level!

If you have already signed up, and ready to schedule your first onboarding with SKULabs, feel free to follow this link here!

If you have not spoken with us yet, chat with one of our experts today. Schedule a meeting or give us a call at 1800-243-2986 to learn more.

Completing these steps are not a hard requirement to reach out and schedule. SKULabs was designed to be intuitive throughout the app and features the in-app wizard to guide you along the initial steps. Let us know what you think and we look forward to speaking with you soon!